Title: no signature match for message service

I am having the following problem:
(there is another thread in the mailing list, with the same problem, but could not find the answer)

<faultstring>Exception while handling service request: com.fis.gn.os390.OrderProcessor.purchaseOrder(org.apache.soap.Envelope,org.apache.soap.rpc.SOAPContext,org.apache.soap.rpc.SOAPContext) -- no signature match</faultstring>

my deployment descriptor is as follows:

<isd:service xmlns:isd="http://xml.apache.org/xml-soap/deployment" id="urn:cd-order-service" type="message">
        <isd:provider type="java" scope="Application" methods="purchaseOrder">
                <isd:java class="com.fis.gn.os390.OrderProcessor" static="false"/>

my SOAP message is as follows:

<s:Envelope xmlns:s="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">
                <purchaseOrder orderDate="07.23.2001" xmlns="urn:cd-order-service">
                        <recipient country="USA">
                                <name>Dennis Scannell</name>
                                <street>175 Perry Lea Side Road</street>
                                <cd artist="Brooks Williams" title="Little Lion"/>
                                <cd artist="David Wilcox" title="What You Whispered"/>

What I noticed is that the Apache SOAP messaging examples have the following requirement for invoked methods:

Unlike RPC-service implementations, message-oriented service implementations must all conform to a single interface:
void name(SOAPEnvelope request-envelope, SOAPContext request-context, SOAPContext response-context)
where name is the name of the method/function, request-envelope is the SOAPEnvelope containing the incoming message, request-context is the SOAPContext for the incoming message, and response-context is the SOAPContext which may be used for a response if one is needed.

However the actual examples (example POProcessor) have the following signature:

  public void purchaseOrder (Envelope env, SOAPContext reqCtx,
                                           SOAPContext resCtx)

So, is the env object supposed to be an Envelope class, or a SOAPEnvelope class, and if it is supposed to be the SOAPEnvelope class, in which package can I find it.

If not, then what am I doing wrong? 

Your help will be greatly appreciated.


Josep G. Requena
Enterprise Banking Solutions
Fidelity Information Services
A Division of Fidelity National Financial
501 220-6404
501 220-6851 Fax

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