Hi All,
I've just taken the maybe unwise step of upgrading from java 1.3 to j2sdk1.4.2.
I'm using tomcat 3.2.3 (still).
Soap work when I go back to 1.3, but refuses when I try using the newest 1.4.2.
code :
System.out.println("invoke " + mstrHostString);
System.out.println("invoke " + mstrHostString + "/soap/servlet/rpcrouter");
                        r = c.invoke ( new URL( mstrHostString + "/soap/servlet/rpcrouter"), "" );
System.out.println("invoke success");
   mblnIsServiceAvailable = true;
  catch ( Exception e )
System.out.println("error=" + e);
   this.setLastErrorNumber( E_SERVICENOTAVAILABLE );
   this.setLastErrorString("The SOAP Server is not available - Contact the SOAP Administrator");
   mblnIsServiceAvailable = false;
   return false;
seems to be failing on the invoke!
output is :
You are now connecting to the soap server at http://localhost:8080
testing connection
invoke http://localhost:8080
invoke http://localhost:8080/soap/servlet/rpcrouter
error=[SOAPException: faultCode=SOAP-ENV:Client; msg=Error opening socket: Connection refused: connect; targetException=java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Error opening socket: Connection refused: connect]
soap server is down
error number =70002
error string =The SOAP Server is not available - Contact the SOAP Administrator
Anyone have any ideas?
I've checked using the http soap admin and the method I am calling exists.
Anyone had a similar issue?
Thanks in advance

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