Thank you for your kind help. Now my SOAP is working. As you said the problem was with my JVM. I had not preceded the $JAVA_HOME/bin to PATH. Now its working fine. Thank you.

Now i am trying to use the end point URL developed by MS Soap Toolkit residing on a MS machine with this Soap. Can you suggest how to do it?
Can u also tell me how to deploy our service?

Thank you

On Wed, 17 Sep 2003 Scott Nichol wrote :
If you are sure your jars are OK, then I think the next likely problem is your JVM. I don't know a good way to determine all the JVMs which may be installed, but you can tell the one executed by doing

java -version

My Win2k machine shows

java version "1.4.2_01"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.4.2_01-b06)
Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 1.4.2_01-b06, mixed mode)

Your stack trace indicates gcj is in use. I have not used that, as I installed a Sun JDK on my Linux box, so I have no experience with whether or not it may have the problem you are experiencing as a bug. My only suggestion would be to install a Sun JDK and see whether you still get the error.

Scott Nichol

Do not send e-mail directly to this e-mail address,
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----- Original Message -----
From: "arvind" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, September 17, 2003 3:39 AM

> Hi,
> Sorry, but i am not able to solve the problem by following your
> instructions. I again downloaded
> soap v2.3.1 binaries
> mail.jar
> activation.jar
> and followed the earlier mentioned sequence, but i am getting the
> same error. Now i am downloading xerces v2.5 binaries, hoping i
> might solve the problem.
> Does having Red Hat linux V9.0 pose this problem?
> Please tell me how to check whether JVM is installed in my
> machine?
> Also how do i check my gcj?
> Thank you.
> Arvind. K.
> ===================================================
> On Tue, 16 Sep 2003 Scott Nichol wrote :
> >Necessary class and jar files are the class and jar files with
> >bytecode for your services and code upon which they depend.
> >
> >I replied to your e-mail in haste, however, and I doubt that your
> >Tomcat installation is the problem. The exception is a
> >verification error. That probably means a jar you have
> >downloaded and installed is corrupt in some way. I suppose it
> >could also be a bug in gcj, but I have no reason to assume that.
> >I don't think it could be a JVM version problem, since Sun has
> >been careful to enhance Java without adding new byte codes.
> >
> >If you replace your jars and still have the problem, perhaps you
> >should check Sun's SDK for Linux
> >(http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4.2/download.html) to see whether you
> >have the same problems.
> >
> >Scott Nichol
> >
> >Do not send e-mail directly to this e-mail address,
> >because it is filtered to accept only mail from
> >specific mail lists.
> >----- Original Message -----
> > From: "arvind" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Sent: Tuesday, September 16, 2003 5:04 AM
> >
> >
> > > Hi,
> > > Thank you for the quick response. i visited the site
> >specified
> > > by you, but under the heading "DEPLOYING APACHE-SOAP ON
> > > the 3rd paragraph, says
> > > "When you deploy your SOAP services, you will copy the
> > > JAR FILES to /%tomcat_home%/webapps/soap/WEB-INF/lib, or the
> > > neccessary class files to a directory structure under
> > > /%tomcat_home%/webapps/soap/WEB-INF/classes."
> > > What are the NECESSARY JAR FILES? Also by doing this will my
> > > problem of "INCOMPATIBLE RETURN TYPE" be solved? Please let
> >me
> > > know.
> > > Thank You.
> > >
> > > Arvind. K.
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > On Tue, 16 Sep 2003 Scott Nichol wrote :
> > > >To install on Tomcat 3.3.x, please follow the instructions
> >at
> > >
> > >http://cvs.apache.org/viewcvs.cgi/*checkout*/xml-soap/java/docs/install/tomcat33.html?rev=HEAD&content-type=text/html.
> > > >
> > > >Scott Nichol
> > > >
> > > >Do not send e-mail directly to this e-mail address,
> > > >because it is filtered to accept only mail from
> > > >specific mail lists.
> > > >----- Original Message -----
> > > > From: "arvind" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > >To: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > >Sent: Tuesday, September 16, 2003 1:04 AM
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > > Hi,
> > > > > I downloaded soap-bin-2.3.tar.gz, extracted and
> >configured
> > > >it
> > > > > as per the installation instructions, along with the
> > > >supporting
> > > > > jar files (activation.jar, mail.jar, xerces.jar,
> >bsf.jar,
> > > >js.jar).
> > > > > I set the classpath as specified, copy of it is enclosed.
> >Then
> > > >i
> > > > > copied the 'soap.war' file into the
> >'Jakarta-Tomcat-3.3.1a'
> > > > > webservers' webapps folder. Now i started the webserver
> >and
> > > > > compiled the Calc.java code successfully. Then i executed
> >it
> > > >and
> > > > > perfomed the following sequence of operations, but
> >whenever
> > > >i
> > > > > entered a arithmatic operator, i got the error saying
> > > > >
> > > > > I am enclosing the CLASSPATH that i have set and the
> >sequece
> > > >of my
> > > > > execution for your reference. Please do the needful.
> > > > >
> > > > > My basic requirement is to use the END-POINT URL (ASP)
> > > >generated
> > > > > by the MSSOAP Toolkit present on a Microsoft machine, in
> > > >Apache
> > > > > Soap client code in Red Hat Linux 9.0. So please help
> >me.
> > > > >
> > >
> > >========================================================================
> > > > > Ok, this is how my CLASSPATH looks like.
> > > > >
> > > > > TOMCAT_HOME=/opt/jakarta-tomcat-3.3.1a
> > > > >
> > >
> > >CLASSPATH=/opt/xerces-1_2_3/xerces.jar:${TOMCAT_HOME}/lib/common/servlet.jar
> > > > >
> > >
> > >CLASSPATH=/opt/xml4j-4_1_4/xercesImpl.jar:/opt/xml4j-4_1_4/xercesSamples.jar:/opt/xml4j-4_1_4/xmlParserAPIs.jar
> > > > >
> > > > >
> >CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:${TOMCAT_HOME}/lib/common/servlet.jar
> > > > > CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:/opt/xmisoap.jar
> > > > >
> > >
> > >CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:/opt/soap-2_3/lib/soap.jar:/opt/javamail-1.3.1/mail.jar
> > > > > CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:/opt/jaf-1.0.2/activation.jar
> > > > >
> > >
> > >CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:/opt/bsf-2_2/lib/bsf.jar:/opt/rhino1_5R4_1/js.jar:/opt/soap-2_3
> > > > >
> > >
> > >========================================================================
> > > > >
> > > > > This is my execution sequence
> > > > >
> > > > > [EMAIL PROTECTED] calculator]# java samples.calculator.Calc
> > > > > http://localhost:8080/soap/servlet/rpcrouter
> > > > > >>0.0
> > > > > 1
> > > > > >>1.0
> > > > > 2
> > > > > >>2.0
> > > > > +
> > > > > Exception in thread "main" java.lang.VerifyError:
> > > >verification
> > > > > failed at PC 66 in
> > > > >
> > >
> > >org.apache.soap.Body:unmarshall((Lorg.w3c.dom.Node;Lorg.apache.soap.rpc.SOAPContext;)Lorg.apache.soap.Body;):
> > > > > incompatible return type
> > > > > at 0x40268e17:
> > > >java.lang.Throwable.Throwable(java.lang.String)
> > > > > (/usr/lib/./libgcj.so.3)
> > > > > at 0x4025bc8e:
> >java.lang.Error.Error(java.lang.String)
> > > > > (/usr/lib/./libgcj.so.3)
> > > > > at 0x4025d6b6:
> > > > > java.lang.LinkageError.LinkageError(java.lang.String)
> > > > > (/usr/lib/./libgcj.so.3)
> > > > > at 0x402691b6:
> > > > > java.lang.VerifyError.VerifyError(java.lang.String)
> > > > > (/usr/lib/./libgcj.so.3)
> > > > > at 0x4023f5a9:
> >_Jv_BytecodeVerifier.verify_fail(byte,
> > > >int)
> > > > > (/usr/lib/./libgcj.so.3)
> > > > > at 0x40232c51:
> > > >_Jv_BytecodeVerifier.verify_instructions_0()
> > > > > (/usr/lib/./libgcj.so.3)
> > > > > at 0x40231857: _Jv_VerifyMethod(_Jv_InterpMethod)
> > > > > (/usr/lib/./libgcj.so.3)
> > > > > at 0x40229ae4: _Jv_PrepareClass(java.lang.Class)
> > > > > (/usr/lib/./libgcj.so.3)
> > > > > at 0x40248028:
> > > > > java.lang.ClassLoader.linkClass0(java.lang.Class)
> > > > > (/usr/lib/./libgcj.so.3)
> > > > > at 0x4025acb3:
> > > > > java.lang.ClassLoader.resolveClass0(java.lang.Class)
> > > > > (/usr/lib/./libgcj.so.3)
> > > > > at 0x4024646c: java.lang.Class.initializeClass()
> > > > > (/usr/lib/./libgcj.so.3)
> > > > > at 0x40230912:
> > > > > _Jv_InterpMethod.continue1(_Jv_InterpMethodInvocation)
> > > > > (/usr/lib/./libgcj.so.3)
> > > > > at 0x40230ff4: _Jv_InterpMethod.run(ffi_cif, void,
> > > >ffi_raw,
> > > > > _Jv_InterpMethodInvocation) (/usr/lib/./libgcj.so.3)
> > > > > at 0x4022e504: _Jv_InterpMethod.run_normal(ffi_cif,
> > > >void,
> > > > > ffi_raw, void) (/usr/lib/./libgcj.so.3)
> > > > > at 0x4038305c: ?? (??:0)
> > > > > at 0x403831e7: ffi_call_SYSV
> >(/usr/lib/./libgcj.so.3)
> > > > > at 0x403831a7: ffi_raw_call (/usr/lib/./libgcj.so.3)
> > > > > at 0x402306e8:
> > > > > _Jv_InterpMethod.continue1(_Jv_InterpMethodInvocation)
> > > > > (/usr/lib/./libgcj.so.3)
> > > > > at 0x40230ff4: _Jv_InterpMethod.run(ffi_cif, void,
> > > >ffi_raw,
> > > > > _Jv_InterpMethodInvocation) (/usr/lib/./libgcj.so.3)
> > > > > at 0x4022e504: _Jv_InterpMethod.run_normal(ffi_cif,
> > > >void,
> > > > > ffi_raw, void) (/usr/lib/./libgcj.so.3)
> > > > > at 0x4038305c: ?? (??:0)
> > > > > at 0x403831e7: ffi_call_SYSV
> >(/usr/lib/./libgcj.so.3)
> > > > > at 0x403831a7: ffi_raw_call (/usr/lib/./libgcj.so.3)
> > > > > at 0x402306e8:
> > > > > _Jv_InterpMethod.continue1(_Jv_InterpMethodInvocation)
> > > > > (/usr/lib/./libgcj.so.3)
> > > > > at 0x40230ff4: _Jv_InterpMethod.run(ffi_cif, void,
> > > >ffi_raw,
> > > > > _Jv_InterpMethodInvocation) (/usr/lib/./libgcj.so.3)
> > > > > at 0x4022e504: _Jv_InterpMethod.run_normal(ffi_cif,
> > > >void,
> > > > > ffi_raw, void) (/usr/lib/./libgcj.so.3)
> > > > > at 0x4038305c: ?? (??:0)
> > > > > at 0x403831e7: ffi_call_SYSV
> >(/usr/lib/./libgcj.so.3)
> > > > > at 0x403831a7: ffi_raw_call (/usr/lib/./libgcj.so.3)
> > > > > at 0x402306e8:
> > > > > _Jv_InterpMethod.continue1(_Jv_InterpMethodInvocation)
> > > > > (/usr/lib/./libgcj.so.3)
> > > > > at 0x40230ff4: _Jv_InterpMethod.run(ffi_cif, void,
> > > >ffi_raw,
> > > > > _Jv_InterpMethodInvocation) (/usr/lib/./libgcj.so.3)
> > > > > at 0x4022e504: _Jv_InterpMethod.run_normal(ffi_cif,
> > > >void,
> > > > > ffi_raw, void) (/usr/lib/./libgcj.so.3)
> > > > > at 0x4038305c: ?? (??:0)
> > > > > at 0x403831e7: ffi_call_SYSV
> >(/usr/lib/./libgcj.so.3)
> > > > > at 0x403831a7: ffi_raw_call (/usr/lib/./libgcj.so.3)
> > > > > at 0x402306e8:
> > > > > _Jv_InterpMethod.continue1(_Jv_InterpMethodInvocation)
> > > > > (/usr/lib/./libgcj.so.3)
> > > > > at 0x40230ff4: _Jv_InterpMethod.run(ffi_cif, void,
> > > >ffi_raw,
> > > > > _Jv_InterpMethodInvocation) (/usr/lib/./libgcj.so.3)
> > > > > at 0x4022e504: _Jv_InterpMethod.run_normal(ffi_cif,
> > > >void,
> > > > > ffi_raw, void) (/usr/lib/./libgcj.so.3)
> > > > > at 0x4038305c: ?? (??:0)
> > > > > at 0x403831e7: ffi_call_SYSV
> >(/usr/lib/./libgcj.so.3)
> > > > > at 0x403831a7: ffi_raw_call (/usr/lib/./libgcj.so.3)
> > > > > at 0x402306e8:
> > > > > _Jv_InterpMethod.continue1(_Jv_InterpMethodInvocation)
> > > > > (/usr/lib/./libgcj.so.3)
> > > > > at 0x40230ff4: _Jv_InterpMethod.run(ffi_cif, void,
> > > >ffi_raw,
> > > > > _Jv_InterpMethodInvocation) (/usr/lib/./libgcj.so.3)
> > > > > at 0x4022e504: _Jv_InterpMethod.run_normal(ffi_cif,
> > > >void,
> > > > > ffi_raw, void) (/usr/lib/./libgcj.so.3)
> > > > > at 0x4038305c: ?? (??:0)
> > > > > at 0x40242dd8:
> >gnu.gcj.runtime.FirstThread.call_main()
> > > > > (/usr/lib/./libgcj.so.3)
> > > > > at 0x402ad02d: gnu.gcj.runtime.FirstThread.run()
> > > > > (/usr/lib/./libgcj.so.3)
> > > > > at 0x4024fc4c: _Jv_ThreadRun(java.lang.Thread)
> > > > > (/usr/lib/./libgcj.so.3)
> > > > > at 0x4021c8ac: _Jv_RunMain(java.lang.Class, byte
> >const,
> > > >int,
> > > > > byte const, boolean) (/usr/lib/./libgcj.so.3)
> > > > > at 0x08048910: ?? (??:0)
> > > > > at 0x42015574: __libc_start_main
> >(/lib/tls/libc.so.6)
> > > > > at 0x080486c1: ?? (??:0)
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > >
> > >========================================================================
> > > > >
> > > > > Please let me know how to debug this problem.
> > > > > Thank You.
> > > > >
> > > > > Arvind. K.
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > ARVIND
> > > > > ___________________________________________________
> > > > > Interior meets Software; Rani Weds Gaurav.
> > > > > Rediff Matchmaker strikes another interesting match
> > > > > Visit http://matchmaker.rediff.com?1
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > >
> > >
> > > ARVIND
> > > ___________________________________________________
> > > Interior meets Software; Rani Weds Gaurav.
> > > Rediff Matchmaker strikes another interesting match
> > > Visit http://matchmaker.rediff.com?1
> > >
> > >
> ___________________________________________________
> Interior meets Software; Rani Weds Gaurav.
> Rediff Matchmaker strikes another interesting match
> Visit http://matchmaker.rediff.com?1

Interior meets Software; Rani Weds Gaurav.
Rediff Matchmaker strikes another interesting match
Visit http://matchmaker.rediff.com?1

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