I concur with Thomas Schmidtt's response, The IGG is in place and already
geared to Large scale interests world wide.
The German DMFV is also very specialized in offering specific scale
competition events for those so inclined.
Both these groups offer international membership, and the DMFV offers
insurance as well. I don't know if the IGG does.
There is simply not enough interest in the USA to support yet another
international sanctioning body(or even a National one) with the high degree
of organization already established in these two groups.

An update on my Nimbus 4 for sale;
I have created a web page with pictures of my Nimbus,and a full scale pic of
he one it was modeled after.
The price has been reduced. See the scale soaring page index page for a
hyperlink to it under "Nimbus 4 for Sale"

 John Derstine
Scale Soaring: http://www.Geocities.com/~scalesoar/nimbusale.html

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