Gordy, I have a few questions for you.  When you are preparing to do a review/write-up 
on any given glider/sailplane or model
accessories, how do you go about it?  Does the manufacture have a clue that you will 
be reviewing his model/hardware?  Does he
supply the model/hardware?  Do you order the model/hardware from a distributor or go 
to a hobby store and pick it  up off of the
shelf? (This seems like the only fair way to give a real conclusive and totally 
unbiased report, to me)
Does a manufacture ever request that you give a model or hardware a review and supply 
it to you?  Have you ever had to give a honest
review in writing,  in a publication and tell the public the model/hardware were a 
piece of junk or poorly manufactured? (In kinder
words of course)  Or all reports/reviews on poorly kited, inferior workmanship or just 
downright lousy products abandoned before
I'm just curious.  You can respond on the exchange, I think there are inquiring minds 
that would like to know.
Thank you for any info.
Cliff Lindgren


> In a message dated 8/11/99 7:34:27 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
> <<
>  purchased mine about 2 months ago from australian importer. Although I
>  am very pleased with the way it flies, I,m also very disappointed in a
>  couple of areas. First   It has a black fuzz---- not good for the hot
>  Australian summers. Unfortunately I wasn't told it was black before
>  purchase.
>  Second   I had manipulated the flaps and ailerons when installing the
>  wing servos and really before the first flight I noticed the hingeing
>  had started to tear from each end of the flaps and ailerons. I rang
>  supplier and mentioned the problems. Nothing could be done about it.
>  Don,t get me wrong!!! the STORK flies beautifully, but I think for the
>  $1500 I paid for it, the quality could have been better.
>  My bit finished.
>  GARRY >>
> I don't know which Stork you got but it doesn't sound anything like the one
> we are seeing here in the USA.  I just finished a review of the Stork for RC
> Soaring Digest Magazine and communicated with editors of QFI and Aufwind as
> well as a half dozen of owner/competitors who all found none of what you are
> experiencing.
> Our Stork have white fuselages and no hinge tearing.   Our Storks are
> sailplanes, maybe the glider version isn't the same :-)
> They cost us under $800 for a complete with wiring harness version.  An
> amazing thermal airplane!  Huge lauches and hungrily consumes thermals.
> There have been a few iterations of the model maybe yours is an older
> version.  I think I would have to 'export' it back to its nest .
> If you want to see one of the Storks that are coming into the USA (and older
> version since improved) go to Jim Bacus' web page.   I don't have his page
> but do have his email.
> By the way Northeast Sailplane has the very latest version with some mods
> added especially which include bottom hinged flaps and stiffer fuse resin.
> Gordy
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