At 10:46 PM 8/11/99 -0500, Stan Myers wrote:
>I know this is getting to the basics.....
>Should the wing tape actually wrap around the leading edge, Does it make
>any difference aerodynamically wear the tape starts or stops. What is
>generally accepted as enough tape to do any good, i.e. 3/4" 1", etc

It should just cover the boo boo on your LE completely.  Then put a 
matching one on the other side of the wing to complete the camouflage.  8-)

>What sources outside the hobby industry have what I need?  Local hobby
>shop's do not cater to sailplaners.

Automotive stores have all kinds of reflective tapes.  I hear the oldtimers 
really like the plain shinny silver stuff.  I kinda like the holographic 
tape that makes different colors, what ever flicks your bic.


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