I think John is asking us to brush up on our Slovenian. Most everyone at
F3B practice knows at least one foreign language(German). 

The team members are very nice guys. However you will need to know some
of the most common words and expressions that may help you to establish

ZIVJO (hi, hello)--very basic
DOBRO JUTRO (good morning)--being polite when you arrive. 
PROSIM (please)--when they ask you to shag lines.
ZABAVA (party)--just like at SULA. with beer kegs and Dancers
VLAK (train)--what I will have to use to get there!
LETALO (plane)--they fly these
SLAB (bad)--to describe the air at Sula last practice
DOBER (good)--if there air is "good" then...
LJUBIM TE (I love you)--don't say this at practice...
KAJ DELAS NOCOJ(what are you doing tonight)-- self explanitory
ZEJEN (thirsty)--this is what those kegs are for
MRZLO PIVO (large cold beer)--in the kegs
VINO (wine)--uh, no...
KAVA (coffee)--you will need this to wake up
SMETANA (cream)--John doesn't like this in his coffee
SLADKOR (sugar)--if you need some energy quick.

well, that all I know. Does anyone know the Slovenian
phases for: 
 Steve Air  ?
 Turn, Daryl ?
 CUT ?
 too low ?     for dwayne

Sam Girardi
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