Betcha you weren't using HS50's. With 4 HS50's I really do get 60 minutes,
granted with little safety margin. With 2 HS50's there should be plenty of
safety margin.

I just worked my way up to 60 min by checking the mAh's left in the packs
after every flying session. If your pack is more than 2 years old or not
very freshly charged (<24hrs) then you will have to settle for less.

My Sanyo 110's aren't mutants either - both my packs test at around 100 mAh
on my cycler. This is in contrast to two 250 mAh Futaba (Sanyo?) packs that
I have.  One has always tested around 240 mAh, the other one is a mutant at
around 350!

Max Feil                | Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.|

> All,
> 60 minutes is VERY optimistic for any of the 110 mAh packs I've flown
> the last 4 years...  We usually set our 4 channel ships for 25 minutes,
> our two channel ones for 35-40 minutes.  The best advice is to go out
> and do a very careful examination of each battery pack, IE get the
> tester out after every 30 second flight or so, and stop when you get to
> 4.8.  
> Remember, even the best pilots in the world can't fly with their
> batteries dead!
> (Your other option, look into some lithium cells, these can last for a
> month or so).
> Thermals,
> --
> Adam Weston
> Seattle, WA
> ------------------------------

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