Thanks Darwin Barrie and Dave Wenzlick for the web page on trilerons.  
Because of you guys, more fliers will now be able to try them. There is one 
other possible gain.  If you are cutting your flaps and ailerons from the 
start, you can make the inboard end of the aileron several inches further out 
toward the wing tip, which results in increased flap span.  I like big flaps. 
 We have cut off inboard aileron and re-attached it to the flap to accomplish 
this on some planes.
     Darwin has embelished me too much.  He is my most frequent timer and I 
learn from him each time.  The learning street has defitiely been two way.  
Without him, no top ten for me at the Nats this year, I'm sure.  Some day, 
maybe Sailplane & Electrtic will publish the fine article he wrote on my Sisu 
2meter.  Darwin, you are great!  Lets keep doing it and having fun.

     Jerry Robertson
     Flagstaff,  Az
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