After sitting in a hot tub with some gorgeous tourist chicks we headed up 
to the mountain about noon. 

Pat Bowman was there just setting up.  The wind was cooking already and the 
temp was 90 according to the rental van.

Brian Laird and Robert Cavazos came with Dave Jones (QFI) and a load of hot 
PSS ships.
We spent most of the day testing the Foamies we had along then later when the 
wind was near optimum I got out an F3B ship called the Fred A Plane and JW 
got it burning on the DS side.

As he was getting it to its terminal speed I mentioned that the Ailevators 
were run by only Yellow Ni Rod!   You should have seen the look on his face 

Amazingly  it had no problem under awesome Gs.  I kept pleading with him to 
slow it down but he laughed in my face and with a maniacal grin framed with 
the scrunching scream and ripping big ship makes in full DS, he said, "GET 

But I fixed him.  I also forgot to mention that I hadn't charged the 
batteries in 6 months and under the incredible servo loads it was but a short 
time before the radio started getting sluggish... forcing him in to premature 

Once the tranny was wrested from his hands, I recharged and went at it myself.

What a chuckle it was as I feigned incompetant thumbs as I had near miss 
after near miss on the cars and guys attempting to fly :-)

Brian and the guys wanted to go eat WHILE IT WAS STILL LIGHT!!! ??? but I had 
the road blocked and made them DS Combat with me until we couldn't see our 
Micheal Volz was in the DS combat groove and got the only hits of the nite, 
one just about knocked me off my feet!

Pat's new SONIC is sooo fast, leaving our old Boomers in the dust in lap 

Those goofy guys!  They said I should meet them at a resturant in town but 
when I got there no one was there!   Boy were they surprised when I found 
them at a sizzlers 5 miles away :-)

If you haven't seen Brian's PSS ships you are really missing something.

Tomorrow we will be at a huge grass hill about an hour away from Parker to do 
some big ship testing. 

Tuesday its back to Parker to meet John Roe, George Joy and others of course 

Just can't get enuf of that place :-)   JOIN US!
Remember, Fresno Slope on Wednesday, Los Banos Volz Bash on Thursday.

Gordy and Micheal
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