>Oh, by the way,can hawks loop???? 

Don't know, but geese will do a somersault on  landing if the are coming
in hot and heavy.  I first saw this as a kid fishing in  boat on a lake. 
The geese wanted to use the place where we were fishing as part of their
runway.  The had to come in higher, so to cut distance and speed they did
"sort of a loop" - really a somersault.   It looks strange, but when you
look carefully -- they flip end over end AND then put down the flaps, crow
the ailerons and hang out the gear and splash into the water.  Very
undignified for a regular kind of goose.   Much later in an Ornithology
class, my prof confirmed the action as a goose's version of a "crossed
controls." This reply/post is not tongue in cheek, btw.

cheers  jim
PS:  I think the movie about the geese and the hangglider migration showed
the somersault.

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