
The problem with trying to use anything else but Monokote is that the Paragon wing 
derives most of its strength from the covering.
The wing is not D-tube construction,
just open-bay.  I speak from experience.  I recovered one of my Paragons with a woven, 
ironable covering.  The first flight on it I
put it in a very shallow dive to test the balance, and in a very short time I had to 
pull out because the wing was fluttering.
Needless to say, I immediately went home and took off the woven covering and put 
Monokote back on it, even though there was a club
contest the next morning.  I would suggest not to skimp on the covering for a Paragon 
wing, stay with Monokote.

Good luck and lots of thermals.

Terry Throop

Patrick Sloan wrote:

> Hello,
> I am planing on recovering my 3 meter floater sail plane (Paragon).  I bought
> the plane used and did not cover it my self. The current covering (red and white
> monokote) is loosing its stick.  I need to replace it.   I have not done any
> covering for many years.  What is the best/cheapest film to choose?  I would
> like to use some bright colors maybe 2-3 different ones in a simple pattern.  I
> need something that will cover up the mess the removal will leave behind.
> Any suggestions or recommendations?
> Thanks.
> Pat.
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