> Launching horizontally can probably be done with almost no throw

I should have put more emphasis on the "probably" part of this
post. I didn't mean to imply that not throwing was a recommended
technique, it was just to point out that with a horizontal launch,
a bad throw won't usually turn out to be a disaster.

In some cases, with lighter/weaker gliders (like my DAW 1-26 2m)
that can't take a lot of pre-tension, it's difficult to get the
timing right for a throw. In my case, I hold the glider in a
throwing position, but let the winch "trigger" my throw, which
is pretty close to just letting the winch do the work. I step on
the pedal for about 1 second which has my little 2.5 pound glider
moving pretty quick, then tap about 50% duty cycle for the remainder
of the launch. I've seen one brave soul winch a somewhat delicate
gull wing glider, using maybe 30% duty cycle to launch his glider,
his "throwing" technique was similar to mine.

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