Here ya' go Terry. I'm copying the exchange also.

First wash the fuse with dish soap and water inside and out. 

Next sand the fuse lightly with some 220 wet or dry sandpaper using water &
let dry.

Spray fuse lightly with Krylon sandable primer.

Fill all pinholes & blemishes with glazing and spot putty.

Sand again, prime again, fill again as many times as necessary until satisfied.

Be sure to go light with the primer and sand almost completely off between

When satisfied, sand with progressively finer wet & dry sand paper using
water, I go till 600.

Make sure fuse is completely dry. Then mist on a two light coats of Krylon
color letting dry about 5 minutes between coats. The third coat should be
fairly heavy and be the finish coat.

Let dry for a week.

Rub out fuse with white rubbing compound on a damp rag. Then buff it out
with a dry soft cloth.

Wax it up with some Turtle wax and yer done.
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