My VWP master, Mike Lee has given great thought to
our dilemma here in So. Cal regarding our lack of wind
during scheduled slope events.  I will pass this wisdom on
to other CD's as protection from your contestants.

Now with great pleasure, I give you my Master.....


Hmmmm, me thinks you have succumbed to the higher authorities, for which
there is no way around it.  However, you must make every attempt to make
amends by doing the following:

1.  A sacrifice must be made.  As modern society no longer makes a sacrifice
of its' young virgins, (let alone finding one in the first place!), you must
find a dork who is unworthy of holding a transmitter and toss him from the
cliffs.  If the dork falls to the bottom of the cliffs, then you will hear
the mighty roar of laughter from the masses, for it was good.  However,
should the dork flap mightily and manage to maintain sustained flight, then
the masses must launch their planes at once, for the Gawds are pleased by
the sacrifice and all will be well.

2.  Once the dork who floats, tires and falls from the sky, someone is
required to immediately dowse the dork in gasoline and set him alight.  Done
correctly, the masses will approve in applause, in the belief that the dork
has crashed and burned.

3.  Seeing the funeral pyre created by the burning dork, read the air using
the smoke from the burning dork.  Should it rise from the bottom of the
cliffs and travel upward, launch once again, for the lift is good.  If the
smoke fails to rise, quickly distract the masses by asking for additional
dork jokes.  This will prevent them from thinking about the lost time from
flying because there is no air to fly upon.

4.  Should the masses begin to be disturbed after the dork burning,
especially because there is no air, announce that another sacrifice must be
made, which will disperse the masses away, all of them thinking they may be
the next dork chosen for the slaughter.  With this you will be saved.

Follow these simple yet fun procedures and you will find yourself absolved
of any future problems concerning your event.  Let me know if you have
trouble finding a dork.  There may be one living in Rancho Bernardo, named

MIke Lee
VWP Master

-----Original Message-----
From: Jerry Craft [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, October 13, 1999 3:21 PM
To: Mike Lee (E-mail); Michael Skube (E-mail)
Subject: Glider Limbo

The fun fly was kind of a bust, no wind at Torrey Pines.
We did some bungee launch limbo but no pictures.
We will reschedule and let you know.

Jerry R. Craft VWP Ni-Dan
Radio Control Angi-San
Wk 858-320-4128
Cel 760-803-6955

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