Cold, damp and over cast with thermals (except for when I launched of course) 
was the norm today at Cincy's Holloween contest. 

The SOAR guys are a formidable team and getting better.  Got to meet some 
really excellent sticks.
Course Huntsville Chain Gang led this time by Steve S, bullied there way into 
the trophy circle with points and good flying again.

Lots of Emeralds, some Milleniums, Hera and other Euromoldies.  Even a molded 
Psyko competed, the winning ship was an old molded Eagle.

RES was in swing too but they don't let me play at that :-)

The format was this weird Triathlon thing that forces you to take a laptop to 
the flight line to figure out what to do :-) They explained it and mostly 
what I got was 2's are better than all 3's and some 5's and 4's are better 
than 5's and some 7's and 6s are better than 7's and most 9's but that 10 was 
univerally good :-)

It didn't rain until the contest ended, the raffle prizes were incredible 
with a huge donation of servos and expensive airlplane kits from Karlton of 
Mulitplex!  Big thanks there even though I didn't win anything :-(

Someone else will post the winners, but the jist is make sure you make it 
there next year!

Home for a week
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