From: Keith Groombridge [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> I am not an EV3 owner or flier but.......I do mould my own models and have
> experienced similar problems to those being talked about.
> 1. Does the EV3 and Cobra use carbon cloth or tows in the construction of
> the fuz??? .....I have used both carbon cloth and tows in the construction
> of fuzs in the past a suffered from shielding of the RX reception.

I think the Cobra used to use carbon down the fuse, although I'm
not sure. The Ellipses do not.

> 2. One of the responses to the first Email suggested swapping
> metal pushrods
> for carbon ones. IMHO this will make little, if any difference as carbon
> conducts in the same manner as metal and it can also act as a shield.

I agree carbon versus metal pushrods will probably make little difference.

> 3. I have not experienced any problems with all carbon wings. However I do
> always use ferrite rings as has already been suggested. I have
> been told in
> the past that it is very important that for them to be fitted as close to
> the RX as possible to gain maximum effect.

I've flown with carbon wings and metal/carbon pushrods for years
without ferrite rings and without problems. This is the first time I've
had these sorts of problems. As I originally posted, the only changes
are FM versus PCM Rx and difference servos.

> 4. I was surprised to see people suggesting that a PCM RX might be the
> answer as this is not actually solving the problem, only getting
> around it.

Agreed in principle, however it's been suggested that the problem
is due to interaction between the servos and the Rx, and not
actually an RF issue at all. Since I assume the FM Rx uses a
standard decoder chip versus a microprocessor for the PCM,
there is a real difference in this aspect of the Rx design and I
can quite believe that may behave differently under some
circumstances (e.g. power hungry servos on long leads).

> I have had problems with limited range in my models in the past,
> all of the
> above (i.e. carbon wings, pushrods etc) can be explanations
> the end
> I would the only answer for worry free flying was to
> systematically work my
> way through checking EVERYTHING. Good luck

The PCM Rx is an easy thing to try, so that's the first step.
Based on a lot of the responses, I'm pretty confident that
it'll do the trick.

Thanks for the input.

Ciao - Chris

Chris Kaiser

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