>The "Up means Up" syndrome is symptomatic of the video generation.  I let
>my 11-year old daughter (no stick experience, some video experience) fly my
>HLG foamie.  After going through the controls and doing some test
>simulations, I gave it a light launch while she eased it in for a landing.
>When I gave it a real heave, she got it to the top and then must have let
>her instincts (such as they are) take over, because the plane started
>diving a bit too steeply.  I said "up.. up.. UP... UP!!)  By this time she
>had nosed it down and greased it in for a perfect (inverted) landing -
>something I've never tried to do!  My 6 year-old son did the same thing.

This is one reason why when I train brand new pilots I use the word
"pull" or "push" instead of up/down.  It makes it quite a bit easier to
follow.  No thought translation needed.  Those of us that have flown
a long time have made the permanent connection to pull = up, but the
first timer pilot has not.


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