Since no one seemed to have an opinion, I thought I'd post the results
of my trial/error approach to the problem.

The problem was: How do we put an auxiliary device on the aux3 channel
and have proportional control in both flight and landing modes?

First, having flown with a 347 for 6 years and programmed a 783 a number
of times, I'd like to say that Sherman's approach is superior to the one
I had used.

Second, although there probably is a better way, this is what I did to
get the problem solved.  Here are the basic steps:

set mix 4 to pot5->aux3
rate:   +100%
SW:     on
offset  +170

set mix 6 to aux3->aux3
rate:   +100%
SW:     btfy1
offset  -512

aux3: norm

trvl adj
aux3    +100%
sub trim
aux3    -170

Now I can have full inflight adjustment of an "autopilot" or gyro
device.  The plan is to turn the auto pilot off for thermalling, then
when she gets too high to see, dial in the autopilot and head cross
country.  I also will have a thermal sniffler on board to
maximize/minimize flying through lift/sink at speck altitude.  Lastly,
the plane will have an altimeter watch to measure just how high she
gets.  This is what happens to some when they've been flying for too

Hope you got something from this (even if its just a smile).
Thermals 2 U
Ron Richardson
Birmingham, AL, USA
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