The UPS man just delivered my Tower order. Amongst other things were two 
HS-50 servos. After all the posts on what type of arms, I quickly opened the 
servo boxes. The cross arm comes mounted on the servo. Another arm comes with 
it. The arm is a straight across affair with the last of three holes being 
1/2 inch center to center with the arm mounting screw hole. In other words 
you can place your clevis or Z-bend a 1/2 inch from the pivot. This I'm sure 
will lessen the torque to the moveable surface by as much as 30 to 50%. With 
only 8.4oz/in to start with this doesn't leave much to work with. I also 
E-mailed Hitec about replacement arms & gear sets. When I receive an answer 
I'll pass it on. Later, Rich
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