This is off topic, but if you would like some gratifying revenge
against spammers, keep reading.
I Have got about 5 spammers accounts canceled in the last 2 weeks.
You need to R click on the message, select properties and then "details" to
view the headers. Copy the entire headers page.
If it came from a big network like Yahoo, AOL, mindspring, etc.
You just forward the entire message to "abuse@" with the
originating network name in place of the word "network".
Paste the headers that you copied on the bottom or top of the spam
you are forwarding.
If you only see a domain name that you don't recognize, (in my last case,
"" was listed as the source.
You can trace it with the program Jim Bacus recommended the other day. It is a free download and works great when it doesn't
I traced the last one and it showed that "" was on the
"" network so I went there and found out they were a big
provider. I forwarded the message, headers,and copy of the trace
list to them ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) and they killed the account as soon as
they got the message.
The whole process took about 3 minutes. They will just get another account
elsewhere, but I have the satisfaction of knowing it cost them a few bucks
for spamming me! (Sicilian blood)

         Mark Mech

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