Hello Scobie in Seattle.  Del Brengman here in San Jose. You can see my 
system on the Charles River RC site. Or I can send you a set of plans $5.00 
covers printing and mailing. If you read the 10 pages of my plans all of your 
questions will be answered. But let me take them one by one.
Answer to #1.  The pull line that I use is stainless steel nylon coated 
stranded fishing leader.  About 40 lb. pull. Because it is very flexible and 
strong and has no stretch. No voltage is on my pull wires.
Answer to #2 The end of the pull wire is formed into a loop with a crimped 
sleeve also obtained at the fishing store. Then I make a hook from some 12 
gage electrical wiring about 1 inch long. one end has a loop the other is a 
hook. Simply place it over the hot wire and it is ready to pull.
Answer to #3 The pull wire is allowed to slide on the hot wire until it comes 
in contact with the templete and then it cannot move any further. It is not 
any problem. The secret here is in the templete holder.
 I looked at some of the other replays. Some of them I do not agree with. I 
do support my cutting bow with a bungy cord about 1/8 " in diameter. The bow 
is at an angle that will let it pass over the block of foam that you are 
cutting and it has no drag or wheel to pull out of line. Those are problems 
of the Feather cut. Another Feather cut problem was the idea of connecting 
the power to the wire with the pull wires. And with a stupid alligator clip. 
The clips never hold worth a dam and if it comes off in the middle of a cut 
you can most likely throw that one away. Every one seams to have there own 
favorite method. And there are a few who do not like my system. But it just 
keeps on working without a flaw. So there negative view has no meaning. I am 
certain that you will here from some of them. Any how I hope that this is 
what you wanted to know. If you need any thing else just let me know.  Del
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