Hey gang,
Just recieved the wifes new radio,(honest its for her), today!!
It is just as sleek as I remember it from the Toledo show last year.
A full blown 7 chanel Transmitter that is lite and egro???? styled for the
Check it out on the Multiplex webpage, I know you know where it is !!
She wants to fly H/L next year and kick up on Jim and Steve of S.O.A.R.
We recieved transmitter, xtal, and Charge cord, the rest is comming later;
No worries though, cause it will work with my existing recievers.
It has a nice menu driven interface,as well as the usual mixers, that one
would need
in our end of the hobby.
I have been informed by the Emperor himself that the rest will come soon,
and he hasn't let me down yet.
At anyrate, the wife gets diamonds and a radio for Christmas,
for following me around the country side this last year,
and she wants to do it again next year...what a hoot... am I lucky or
Gotta go put it under the tree before she gets home.

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