Ron wrote: > > How bout really long & wide spoilers on a T-tail design? I'm thinking > 18" x 2" w/a servo on each side to ensure 90 degree deflection. Add a > long tail moment with a full-flying stab above the downwash then slave > it to spoiler to maintain attitude. Hello spot landings:) I had a 2T by HOB that I put spoilers on the flat center section that deploying the spoilers would make it do an outside loop! I have a picture of it on my web site if you want to see it. I think you'll find that you want to keep the spoilers OUTSIDE of the stabs, whether a "T", "V", or conventional stab. Rich Border Marguerite Prunyi Those who pound their swords into plows will plow for those who did not. RCSE-List facilities provided by Model Airplane News. Send "subscribe" and "unsubscribe" requests to [EMAIL PROTECTED]