Thanks to Mark for the musings on RES. It's great to hear some logic
applied to the subject. I fly some contests with the guys up in Eastern
Canada. They prohibit skeggs. I had asked why and they said something
about safety. Many years ago the USA people made much ado about skeggs
and also about nose radius. At that time I questioned if anyone could
relate a single incident where anyone was injured by a skegg that didn't
also suffer from contact with a glider nose. The silence was amazing! My
feelings are that safety is paramount. If there is a skegg safety issue
lets hear about it. If not, lets just relax, use skeggs to get the ships
stopped before they hit someone and get on with it. 
Seperately, a Happy New Year wish to all you listers and lurkers in
sailplane heaven.
                        Pete Carr
                        Belefonte, PA
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