Monroe County R/C Club's New Year's Day Glider Contest went on as usual
without any Y2K problems.  The weather could not have been more pleasant
for the first of January with sun most of the day, a high around 55 and
winds very moderate to light.  Most flyers were coat-less by noon and even
the kerosene heater/chili stove was turned off by mid-afternoon.
Thirteen fliers signed up and flew this year, six of them from out of town
or state.  Five rounds were flown for 65 official flights (not counting
test/trim/fun flights before and after the event).  The rounds were:  1) 5
min duration,  2&3) 5 min duration w/spot landing,  4&5) 3 min precision w/
spot landing for a total of 1500 points Max.  The Longest Flight of the
Millenium and First Crash of the Millenium were also ran during the
contest. Here are the final standings:  

1st place  Johnny Berlin       1322
2nd place  Gil Gauger           1249  
3rd place  Gordy Stahl          1137
4th place  Lou Magyar          1078
5th place  Ed Wilson            1011
6th place  Tom Osborne        924 
7th place  Pete Peterson       897
8th place  Brent Hoover         883
9th place  Jim Deck              758
10th place  Henk Haitjema     709
11th place  Michael Rollings  687
12th place  Steve Jackson     670
13th place  Brian Elliott         616

Longest Flight of the Millenium went to Gordy Stahl with a time of 8:51.
First Crash of the Millenium went to Henk Haitjema.

I personally would like to thank all who came and flew, helped, or
participated in some way. I hope everyone enjoyed themselves. We also had
many people that just stopped by to to say "Hi" (including a couple of
former club members that have not been with us for some time), or were
curious about what we were doing.  Lets hope that our public exposure
brings new fliers and more understanding to our hobby/sport.

High flights, Soft landings,
        Brent Hoover

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