Kids today have no heroes other than pro athletes or rock stars ... and the majority of those people never had heroes themselves ... so, what role model does a kid have to emulate ?? ...
It's truly tough to 'sell' someone the idea of starting with a HoB 2 x 2 and then point to an F3B and a price tag of a few thousand bucks and a steep learning curve ...
One thing that worked successfully for the Torrey Pines Gulls waaaay back was to hold an 'LSF Sunday', 3 - 5 times a year at the local thermal field ...
The club provided high starts and qualified instructors and a few simple gliders - Wanderer - Gentle Lady - 2 x 2 - and helped novices/bystanders/ interested parties check out the 'TPG supplied' gliders (or those the novice had built and brought) ...
Made sure the controls were hooked up properly, tow hook in place and balance 'spot on' ... then several high start launches and in 9 tries out of 10, we'd snared a new enthusiast to the fold ... I even remember the first 5 minute flight I made (Wanderer) with much pleasure ... although I'd been flying at the Cliffs for about a year by then, thermal flying was like 'magic' to me ...
I think p'haps we're too impressed with ourselves and our equipment to empathize with the young 'uns who don't have a thousand bucks to spend ... besides that, there are no more 'kid powered' paper routes or lawn mowing jobs around to earn some money for 'affordable' hobby items, be they C/L or RC Gliders ...
Foamies rule because we live in a 'open the checkbook' and 'disposable' society ... when one can buy a flying machine for under 50 bucks, most have someone to help them 'afford' it ... if it breaks, 'oh well' ? ... if it doesn't, then maybe they'll go on and on and on ...
I still build what I fly and am in the minority ... fortunately, my daughter inherited the love of the craft and is carrying the message on to her 3 little ones ... but the 5 of us put together won't keep one manufacture's doors open, let alone an entire industry ... the same is true of model railroading ...
Just ramblin',
Pepper Kay
AMA # 3937
LSF # 3335

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