the receiving end
of splatter.
This is mostly just that .splatter, not RF but conversation.
Our RX's have a huge problem...they are sooo selective they barely listen to their own frequencies, so the idea of them being bothered by some sort of close emission from a grey tuned TX, while 'possible' fact is the offending TX's emission would have to be as powerful as your own TX's correct output so as to 'slur' your TX's frequency.. 

The reason for tuning your TX is so that YOUR RX can hear it,
not to avoid someone else's RX from hearing it.
However stories about getting shot down are reinforced by reports of off tune TX's makes them more dramatic which equals 'real'.  When in fact seldom is a 'shoot down' a shoot down, usually the cause is a faulty on board power connection...switch, or connector.
Cases like the Nats problems are more likely due to on board antenna situations., or then there is the assumption that the pilots TX must be working just fine at the time of the glitches. Dirty antenna, a funky rubber ducky install or it's sloppy BNC connector connection  or some other mechanical shortcoming....couldn't be :-)
It is a lot easier and more fun to put the blame on the other and his probably out of tune module, the mysterious 'them' are always the culprit..
The above is of course only a guess based on ..oh about a million hours of flying on sites all over the world, conversations with guys like Steiner and Marks on the subject, so take it all with a grain of, any way you want :-)
Los Angles tonite

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