 Clean up the cured epoxy around the edges with some 80 grit. Make sure you get everything shiny keyed and scuffed. Remove the wire harness. Procure some small carbon fiber sock material 1/4" diameter should be good. Cut a length that will fit the perimeter of the wing hold down about a 1/4 "from the edge. Make up some slow cure epoxy and some fairly thick slurry with cotton flocking. Wet the tube out on plastic and lay it in place on the pod side of the wing mount. Using the tube as a dam apply a seam of flocking around the edge of the mount. Use some of the epoxy to wet the top cap where it will touch the flocking and the tube. If there is any place that the bolt hold downs can touch the pod sides apply a coat of cotton flocking slurry. Push the top plate into posiiton and if it goes down all the way tape the edge with packing tape. If it will not go down rearrange the sock by pushing it towards the center of the mount. Now turn the fuselage upside down and clean the excess epoxy off the exterior of the fuse pod. Keep the fuselage upside down over night. That should do the trick. Best Regards Larry

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