Daryl Perkins wrote:
What a Blast! Nice people, great weather, some tough
air, and some great flying by the winners.... (not me
btw - I HATE it when that happens!) ;-)

Congrats to:

Dave Zucker - First Place Unlimited - Dave was on
fire! I don't think I could have beaten him even if I
was practiced. He had his model (Icon - yeah I know...
shut up!) landing slowly, controllably, and like it
was on rails. Nice Job Dave!

 Ditto about the Fresno Contest. No matter how well I do it's always a
 great place to fly.
 To be fair, Daryl out FLEW everybody as usual and it came down to a
landing contest(And they say it's hard to land an Icon,oh yeah, that was me saying that)I finally found the setup that gets the floatiness out it on final. The thing just likes to go up all the time.
 It was nice to come home with a couple of D dollars this time.

 See you guys next year,


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