Epona.  Light, strong, highly prefabbed, probably one of the top flying DLGs commercially available out there right now.  Mine came out in  the 8.2 ounce range with D4.7s, which btw worked superbly for me.  Not a wimpy 8.2 either as the plane is very robust even with its light weight.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, April 10, 2006 1:53 PM
Subject: Re: [RCSE] DLG models for a newcomer

        And then there is the Photon from http://www.kennedycomposites.com/. I am also new to DLG, and love this ship. No real building, but some assembly and decisions about equipment.
The instructs from Kennedy are weak, at best. However, there are threads on Rcgroups which are helpful.

        IMHO, a  'must consider' option is the Swyft from http://www.liftworx.com/. Definitely not competion style, but more fun in 100gm than should be legal. Build is simple, and a lot of fun both to build and to fly. Instructions as a work of art.

At 12:22 PM 4/10/2006, Dave Jensen wrote:

I'm returning to the hobby, and would like to get started with a DLG.  I
flew HLG a few years back, and consider myself intermediate level.  What
model would you recommend for somebody of that skill level, who would
rather fly than build (the more RTF the better)?

Thanks for any and all advice.


Dave Jensen

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