Gordy, any truth to the rumor that you have sold your Pikes so you can sponser Jo's trip, housing and all his required liquid refreshment ?

If true, does that mean you will fly your new Super Ava ? I suppose that could also mean no sun in Muncie that weekend.

Hi Dave!
I have this weekend's Extreme F5J comp won before I get there, when you add up the rules, write them all down vertically and then read them sideways, it turns out there is a loop hole that will make my easily victorious.
I just got into my motel room in MN and have started installing the speed 400 system from my MPX Easy Glider into the Super AVA...as a pusher!
After working on the calculations with mega math/science brains like Drela, Kiesling, Wurts, and Steve Neu...it turns out that the suction created by the 400's 7" blade on 7 cells, pulling air over the Super's giant wing will cause it to just go up vertically,,,and here's the good part, it will do it right over the landing spot, so no need to go flying around looking for stuff or getting a stiff neck looking up.  Yep it will just launch, shoot over to the landing spot and wait for the clock to burn down.
Its gonna be ugly :-)
And yes I did sell my Superior, Giant and Organic...so all I have left is Giant, Superior, Perfect, Carbon Supra's and Super AVA.

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