looks like your getting info on the tasks.
there's a miss understanding that you need alot of people to fly f3b.
yes, to run a contest maybe, but if you want to just learn and looking
for a new challenge you can do it by your self, but two's best.
me and my girl friend do it all the time, i better re-phrase that. :-)
 i have a horn mounted in my winch trailer, we run a wire off a spool
(which as a button to activate the horn) out to the correct distance to base B.
we both have a sighting device.
i drop into the course at my end and hit the stop watch on my TX, she hits
the button and sounds the horn when i cross Base B.
Works great with just two people. (but still dreaming of that three some)  :-)
i fly by myself all the time and needed something to challenge me.
f3b was just the ticket.
I got in 384 speed runs last year in just a few months along with the doing
the Distance Task, and had a blast and learned a ton.
did it all with a X-21 sailplane, and just a few rolls of mono.
i was pretty pumped after my first 16 second speed run with the X-21
and running 29 laps in distance with a Tragi 701.
sorta my Level 4.
after running the Speed course for awhile with someone at base B.
i did alot of Speed practice runs with no one at base B.
there's still alot to work on you can do buy your self.
i can still cut Base B closer then my own Base.
no, you don't have to change rolls after a few flights for (practice).
I get 100 to 150 launches from a roll.
There are so many variables in Distance, would be a blast if i would of had
some other other pilots to fly it with.  you can do this with most any of these
planes now a days.
if you ever want to try it Harry, come on down, i have two f3b winchs, tons
of mono, and a girl at Base B for you.  or call if you want more info.
----- Original Message -----
To: Soaring
Sent: Friday, May 05, 2006 10:29 AM
Subject: [RCSE] F3B

Now that most of the smoke has cleared, where can we find more out about F3B;
1. what are the task?
2. what equipment is needed?(suppliers)
3. how do you get started?
4. what airplanes qualify?
5. about how much dose it cost to compete?
6. on average how many people do you need to run a contest?
seriously would like to know

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