I can only hope this message gets through. Please, do not even think of 
getting a spectra module for your stylus. While driving home to work I 
noticed what appeared to be a roadblock just beyond an overpass. Innocently 
enough, I missed my chance to avail myself of the exit, and went under the 
bridge and was surprised to find myself being waved out of traffic by an 
Officer of the Law. Why me? I rolled down the window, "Good afternoon, 
  "Out of the car, boy. I understand you subscribe to RCSD".
    "That's right"
  "Well, we've done a little checkin' and found out that you also got a 
Stylus radio and see that you've been e-mailin' around lookin' for a Spectra."
    "Well, I, uh..."
  "I'm sorry, Sonny, but we just can't allow that. I reckon we don't rightly 
take kindly to your type around these here parts."
    "But, I never followed through, the order got messed up and..."
  "Yeah, that's what they all say. Don't matter none. You criminal types are 
all alike. You think you can ignore the Feds and the FCC. You probably claim 
your goldfish as a deduction, too. We got you figured as an industrial hemp 
sympathizer, besides. But when we caught you doin' 62 in a 55, that was the 
last straw. We're gonna have to take you downtown. So get outta the car real 
easy, like, and just for your own safety, we're gonna have to cuff you."
   "But, really, Officer, this ain't right. I mean, call Lorenzo, at 
Sailplanes Forever, He'll tell ya! They were gonna ship me the spectra, but 
they never did! Really!"
   "Yeah, we already did. He says he never heard of ya. Besides, he charged 
yer credit card already, and that's all we need. Save yer sob story for the 
judge. Watch yer head here"
 Just then, a chopper swooped down in a low pass and I could see the letters 
"FCC" stenciled on its belly.
  So anyway, I'm using my phone call here just to tell you, don't even THINK 
about it. And Gordy! Can you bail me out?!

Bill Wingstedt
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