HLG Enthusiasts Worldwide:


The IHLGF 2006 updated Pilot Roster and Frequency Assignments may be seen on the IHLGF 2006 website at http://www.torreypinesgulls.org/IHLGF2006.htm.


If you think you have registered and your name does not appear here, please contact me. If you or someone you know would like to attend but have not registered, please go to the IHLGF 2006 website ( http://www.torreypinesgulls.org/IHLGF2006.htm ) for complete details and registration form. All entries must be received by May 21st


Keep checking into the IHLGF 2006 website for continuing updates and announcements regarding the contest.


The following frequencies are unused: 14; 17; 36; 37; 45

The following frequency is closed: 29




Ron Scharck

IHLGF 2006 Committee Chairman





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