I can't even believe that some guys don' t have a Super AVA....it is sooo relaxing when you got up about 2,200'...to be able to see it! That big wing and vertical really helps.
We had a Supera day today in Louisville...Hot and muggy, not much wind, but some nice thermal development.  Our webmaster Ben Wilson, took the new Bubble Dancer kit plane out for a LSF4 one hour flight.  Tony Utley battled for his 30min but the cycles at that time were too far apart to hold it together. He's flying his new AVA and loving it.
Bruce Davidson, Ken, Ben and Brian (Louisville's DLG Mob) had Polecat planes working hard when I pulled up.
I charged up my Supra but today was supposed to be all about my new (old) Laser 2m.  I did it up to look just exactly like my other Volz powered planes....Blue fuse, white wings with red tips and 'canopy'd" like my Supra

I worked on painting and primping it all last nite till about 3 in morning....but when I got to the field one of the Airtronic 141's that had been in it since its birth in the Chicago area likely 10 years ago, decided to get finicky....so it only got its graduation photos taken today :-(
Tonite I'll drop in some original version Micro Maxx...no digitals in this baby:-)
At the end of the day the thermals topped out at about 200' (very clear from the bird traffic)...so I figured it was as good of a time as any to wring out the World's Heaviest Carbon Supra :)
I put up three flights, that never got more than that 200', the cores were tiny and bouyant.  The Supra is soooo nimble and easy to read, and I think forgiving, or I should say lets you off the hook if you make a speed mistake, in that you can drop its nose for some quick save your butt anti stall speed or quickly straighen a wing tip, or kick the tail around to avoid getting caught on the bad sink side of a thermal turn, that was outside the center core.

About the heavy weight...after those 3 10min flights I am pretty sure I could have gotten 10:01 had it been a lighter version :-)
Want to see a photo of my new old Laser?  Shoot me a reply and I'll send it to you. It is looking very 'downtown'  :-)
Louisville today

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