At 07:30 AM 6/3/2006, you wrote:
Anyone on the exchange using the Multiplex Cockpit who can give me pros and cons for the radio.

I have owned two and consider the Cockpit to be the best two-stick transmitter I have ever owned. It's only shortcoming was the lack of a free mixer and a 600 mah battery. I really like the feel and balance and would still be using it if it had even one free mix for crow. All the other fancy stuff I could live without. I bought my first Cockpit in 2001 and promptly sold all my other transmitters except for one for my full house sailplane. I placed my order for an Evo the day it was announced. My only disappointment with the Evo is that it is so much bigger and heavier than the Cockpit. I now have two Evos and a Cockpit for my RES sailplanes. My backup Cockpit was sold to a fellow club member who is still using it. He liked it so much that he bought another for a backup. The Cockpit was overpriced when new but good used ones can be had at a very reasonable price and Ernie is available for service.

Chuck Anderson

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