I made the run out yesterday, just finished posting some pics on RCGroups...
First time at JR, have to say they know how to run an event.  Only complaint
is that it's not closer and more frequent.  Like every other weekend <g>.

Disappointed that I didn't get shots of the 40% ASW-28 in the Illini Hangar;
that's about the most impressive ship I saw all day.  If there were a book
on that build, I'd buy it and keep it by my desk to remind myself why I got
into scale.  That's after shooting 2+ rolls of film:  I still felt like I
missed a dozen classic ships.

Amazing lift on Friday, spent a good part of my first flight trying to bleed
off altitude in a ship without spoilers - if anyone has any suggestions
there, I'm wide open.  Tried crow, but that seemed to build up speed
quickly, maybe my compensation is off?  High class problems, I think that's

Jim's right - if you have time to make it out, worth it - with or without a
plane.  Bring a camera, tho, you will want to show what you saw.

Thanks JR!


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