Looks like the air will be so sweet during the MidSouth that in order to cull the luckies from the talented, task times are likely to be in the 30 to 40min ranges and landing points will be measured with a micrometer, 1 point per 1/100 of an inch...no worries though because we have lazer measuring devices like in tennis matches, so landings points will be reported automatically.
Also special devices will be taped to each plane that senses when the tow hook is detached, telemetry will start special hand held countdown timers supplied to each contestant.
(timers will also be supplied lawn chairs and cool drinks).
Pilots will have Hooters girls with big clear fans keeping them cool while flying, sorry guys only two per pilot.  We tried to get 'mist machines' to cool the entire field, but it caused the grass to grow so fast, we'd have to cut it mid day...so that was out.
The banquet will be to die for!  Fried Green Tomatoes, Frickled Pickles, Ribs and Cat fish fingers.
There is a wayyy outside chance that the banquet will be held on a Paddle Wheel River Boat that would pick us all up right next to the field....but don't hold your breath on that one. :-)
For SURE, there will be a huge supply of old friends to fly with from all over the country...that alone will be enough to make it the second most fun contest this side of Visalia :-)
So what are you bringing to fly?
Supra? Giant? Perfect? Sharon? Insanity? Superior?

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