I know most of us are winch launch people but this is still a sailplane contest and is for all practical purposes an F3J contest with self-powered planes rather than line-backer power so I thought I would post it here as well as on the RC Groups electric sailplane forum.

I am more and more convinced that my club and probably many more clubs are drifting to electric launch due to the advantages of no winch and no retriever operator. The older my OFB's get, the more we are looking to make flying more fun and this seems to have hit the spot. Woodie contests seems to be the other venue for fun and lots of air time.

Enough of the discussion, see the post I put on RCGroups below:

*Contest - F5J Midwest Challenge*

I thought it would be time to put out another note on our up coming contest.

It will be August 19-20 and will be our first major F5J (or X5J) contest and all of the particulars are on our web site www.gdshs.com <http://www.gdshs.com> under the F5J contest button.

If any of you are planning on coming, I would request you send me a note off line at [EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> and tell me your frequency and what event you are entering so we can have a matrix built ahead of time.

I do not want any entry fee until you show up but frequency and such will help us a lot. I will update the web site frequency list once a week if necessary.

One thing that is not on the site yet is that this is the weekend of the Woodward Cruise and is an event to go to at night and see tens of thousands of hot rods and customs cruising one of the most famous 1950's era drag racing streets of the US. Or, come a day early and spend all of Friday at the Cruise. Believe me, it is a party to remember.

We have had one mock contest so far with club members to work out the bugs and will have a second one in a week or two. Because this is our first time we surly will make a couple of errors but the dress rehearsals should help a lot (the first one did).

Any questions not answered on the web site can be directed to me.

Thanks for the bandwidth


Jack Iafret
Home and Hobbies

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