I purchased an R720 at a local hobby store and installed in a multifunction glider with 4 JR digital servos and 2 Hitec analog servos. The digital servos made quite a bit of noise (noticeable to others waiting for the winch) similar to jitter – but without actually moving the servo arms. The analog servos were quiet and steady. The plane flew fine, even at distance, but it always made quite a bit of noise. Also, several of the more experienced members commented that it was louder than they would expect.


When I got the plane home, I switched out the ScanSelect with a normal R700. All the digital (and analog) servos were immediately quiet. I swapped it back and forth a few times to make sure it wasn’t my wiring, and continued to get consistent results showing that the R720 was the problem. I took it back to the local hobby store (Larry’s Hobbies) and they immediately replaced it – only asking me to call back and let them know if the new one worked better. I called them back saying that the new one was just as quiet as my R700. They sent the old one back to JR who indicated that they have not heard of such a problem and mine could have just been an anomaly. Certainly, the new one works just fine.


It looks like a good product (it sure is easy to use!), backed by a quality company, and is supported by a reputable dealer network. What’s not to like?



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