Thanks to all who participated in the "I Beat Gordy" fund raiser for our newest super star and winner of the LSF Spirit of Soaring Award...10year old Lee, who managed to bury some of the top 2m guys and some of the Unlimited guys yesterday and some of the RES guys today!  Those who managed to out score me for a day of soaring qualified for a "I beat Gordy at the 2006 Nats" button..well with a donation of at least $3, but I have to tell you, many handed over up to $20!!!!  Those are the real heroes of LSF spirit.
Lee is about 4' tall, rosy cheeked, dark eyed and dark hair, a lot of us thought when DP saw him, he was going to sweep him into his arms and exclaim,"MINI-ME!" :-)
Anyway, it was a fun day.

Peter Goldsmith of Horizon was given the LeGrey award for some pretty good reasons, not counting the huge volunteer prize donations from Horizon at the Banquette and surely he deserves it as much as anyone...well almost as much as anyone in my humble opinion :-)
Ed Wilson, President for years and years of the Louisville Area Soaring Society, mentor to little Lee and mentor to another young boy who'd showed up at the field a bunch of years back....Bruce Davidson!  LSF VP, LSF5 and the never ending energy behind the MidSouth Louisville and Louisville Soaring in general.  There's seldom been a day where the winch/retriever trailer haven't been at the field, setup, charged with good line on a Sunday or Thursday evening. Every winter, club meetings are packed with interesting topics and sidebars to soaring. 

Ed Wilson is the true Spirit of Soaring and embodies what grass roots rc soaring is really about.

Don't believe me?  Ask Bruce Davidson...multi Nats DLG winner and mentor himself to Ben Wilson and others.  You see Ed's spirit is the kind that get's passed on.

Congrats to Pete, a great guy in his own right..and now as a LeGrey award winner, holder of the responsibility to pass on that spirit! :-)
Ed's turn will likely be in the next round :-)

This award was created, in 1996, by the LSF Board of directors, in memory of Le Gray the founder of the League of Silent Flight. It is to be a lifetime Achievment award. Members of the LSF may nominate candidates to the LSF Board of Directors who have the final decision on the recipient.

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