Title: Message
I've been thinking what can be said about the 2006 Nats. To sum it up "A Very Well Done".
The operation went extremely smooth and was well organized. A huge Thank You to all of the volunteers from the "turn around trolls" to the flight line, the tent and I can't forget the vendors too. How many of us needed that last minute part or glue? Thanks Johnny for the ballast and Mike for the wing bolts.
Even after a long hot week everyone had plenty of smiles. I suspect they may have grown that way. ;-)
Thanks too for the help and encouragement of the Michigan crew. Without help and advice from all the WMSS guys, I would not have lasted a minute. And Troy, we still consider you a Michigan man.
To new friends like Barry Anderson, Tom Scully and Peter Goldsmith, I hope to see you next year, if not sooner.
I have to say for me RES was the best, I suppose, because I too, had one of my best flying days yet. I managed a 5 out of 5 1000+ rounds, WOW what a day. Thanks Marc for selling me your AVA last year.
Most of all to my wife Jean. All the time while I was flying, she whispered sweet encouragements in my ear, dragged me to the landing area and kept me apprised of possible lift.
What fun!

Dennis Hoyle


Secretary / Web Geek


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