Just a few more thoughts on the Nats. I agree with everything Jim and Marc said. This was the smoothest Nats I have attended and I have been to a lot of them. I flew my first Nats at the old SOAR Nats in 1974 and have not missed one since except when my job prevented me from getting off long enough and I haven't missed a one since I retired. I do have a couple of minor complaints.

First, the landing spot was dangerously close to the safety line. There is no reason for the spot to be closer than 25 feet from the safety line.

Second, the landing spots were not directly behind the corresponding winch. This is more of a problem for me since I started using a cane to walk on uneven ground. On the last round of RES, I launched from a winch on the left site of the tent and my landing spot was on the other side. Walking that far while trying to fly my model was difficult.

Third, we need to allow late entry if there is an open frequency. I know of at least two people who would have entered RES if they could have entered after they arrived for Unlimited. I used late entry to fly in several Nats before I retired. I I had no trouble getting time off to fly contest except when I had a test in the wind tunnel. In 1983, I didn't enter because I had a long test scheduled just before the test and I didn't know if I would be finished in time to drive to Springfield, Massitutes. At noon on Friday before the Soaring event started, I realized that If I worked late I could finish the final report by noon on Saturday. I left Tullahoma at noon on Saturday and drove to Springfield arriving just before the 4 PM Sunday late entry deadline. Flying started the next morning and I was able to enter 2-meter, Standard, and Unlimited. We flew all three classes each day and I actually won a trophy in 2-meter. Since the flight order is computer generated, there is no reason we couldn't allow late entry and raise a little more money with late entry fees.

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