I thought Id drop a line on the event as others have done already.      The volunteers we have already and the pilots still would like to see more smiling faces at Muncie to put on the F3B event.     The only thing not said so far is that we can use the help timing or calling turns at base A and base B     ANYTIME   during those three days.  So if you have all three days, or just one day or a long afternoon,    we sure could use your expertise and help.          
On a personal note,,, My f3B beginings started at 21 years old  with  the late Dan Pruss showing me pictures of the' Dassil ' , 80" molded English model in 1979.     Ive been flying in every f3b team select since!   The F3B concept uses the latest  level of plane , machine/winch and pilot abilities.      Its got my attention!
    F3B is like golf,,,, you can always get better!!!!!!
Thanks in advanced,               Richard Burnoski                                        Bolingbrook, Illinois

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