In a message dated 8/25/06 2:25:36 PM Pacific Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
Who, among you, have measured how high you can see (fly) your 3 meter?  How
high were you able to go and still control the plane?

    A few weeks ago at the Isle of Wight in Virginia the SBXC topped 3000 ft without any trouble and was still very visible and flyable. There were several TMSS members there and I gave an FRS radio to the crowd so they could listen.  I brought it down because the weather was closing in around us and my instrument license is not current. I think it could easily be flown at 4000+ feet and still be visible.  I am sure Paul Siegel has had his to at least 5000 feet.
    I have had the Supra at 2500 ft several times in recent months.  This is about the comfortable limit, but it could be flown a bit higher with younger eyes.
    The 115 inch Playboy has been to 2000+ feet several times and is no problem to fly.  Being basically a free flight model with an electric motor it is at home with itself.  Flying it with the trim system works very well. There is a problem getting it down.  Usually a trip around to find some sink and then circle until it descends.  It has no spoilers and tends to flutter the outer panels when pushed at speed.
Don Richmond
San Diego, CA

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