Got there early for a change, it was already warm but hazy.  We flew 5 rounds of 10mins with a runway landing (which is kind of deceiving since you have to land over a small valley dead in front of the LZ and that valley can suck you down or at least any energy you thought was enough to make it the zone).

We only had 15 guys today and I don't think there was one 'gimmee' round where everyone skied out for a max, everyone took a hit or two it seemed, well everyone but me and the Perfect. :-)

Even the Picolario crowd got skunked. 

There was Icon, AVA, Soprano, Escape, EVO XL, Sharon, Fusion and some woodies in RES.
While I had just finished the Perfect last Sunday, got about three trim flights on it, I decided what the heck, so it was my weapon of choice for the day (and the Super AVA for RES).

I don't know what to say about the Perfect in the air, but it IS definitely a landing machine, VERY rock solid on the approach, I was never surprised once, even with the turbulence of that landing area.

I got one zero landing and that was because I got to sleep at 1:30am last night, and was up again at 6am to head to the contest, the lack of sleep just stepped up right as I was coming in for a total no brainer 100.  My timer was counting down the last 10 seconds as it approached and I totally got mesmerized by the count, then failed to pull off the flap on the approach to end up short.

When the day was over, no "I beat Gordy" buttons were earned in Unlimited or RES.  But all for naught since my Ohio chums let me down for my LSF 20man count today.

Fingers crossed for a good day tomorrow and more pilots too :-)
PS, had I been flying the Supra, Sharon, Giant, Superior today....likely the result would have been the same, since if you didn't find the lift, you didn't get the time, trick foil or planform or not :-)

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