Hey, I didn't mean to start up the semi-annual skeg comment.  I fly from
a sod farm and most of my planes don't even have a skid, let alone a skeg.
I did notice, when I was in Arizona, that the stones and dirt there required
a skid of some sort.  Take a look at page 100 in the current (March, 2000)
issue of "Model Aviation".  At the top of the page is a picture of a skid.
My only point (obscured, evidently, by the use of the dread sk.. word), is
that the proposed rules (see page 167 same issue of "Model Aviation") call
for a "skid with a smooth surface".  I'd just like a little rougher surface
allowed on the skid ala' the timing belts and R/C car tire tread of
yesteryear.   Sorry if I pushed the wrong button.
    Now back to finishing a Zagi THL...
                            Jim Deck  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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