Title: Re: [RCSE] Level V slideshow

With friends like you...who needs enemas.  See you in Muncie.

Erickson Architects
John R. Erickson, AIA

From: "James V. Bacus" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thu, 07 Sep 2006 19:21:15 -0500
To: soaring@airage.com
Subject: Re: [RCSE] Level V slideshow

What a fantastic journey, congrats on making it to level V!

Here's a picture I bet you wish I didn't have:  ;-)

At 07:09 PM 9/7/2006, John Erickson wrote:
I ve put together a slideshow of different events as I worked my way through the LSF program.  Jim Deck put out some stats about the average time to achieve Level V.  It s somewhere around 10 years.  I thought 2 1/2 years was long enough!  I was really struggling at times trying to get my 20 person wins.  One day Larry Jolly told me Don t worry about the wins.  They ll come.  Just have fun .  Truer words were never spoken.  I stopped trying so hard and started enjoying all the aspects of our great hobby.  

There were stories behind every task, including the last 2 hour thermal.  The post flight graph from the variometer at one point showed me 150 below my starting elevation.  All I know was that I was 10 off the ground with 20 minutes to go.  I caught a miracle hand launch thermal and made it out.  It wouldn t have been exciting without some drama, and there was plenty of it all though the LSF tasks.

A big thanks to Dan Borer, Major Anderson, John Yee, Ian Douglas, Gene Hays, Lex Meirop, Joe Nave, Joe Wurts, Greg Norsworthy, Nowell Seigel, Duke Rovarino, all the guys in our SCSA club, the SWSA club, the TOSS club, the SC-2 circuit, Jim Deck, Bill Rakozy, Tom Kallevang and all the LSF council, and many, many others who I have flown with along the way.


Erickson Architects
John R. Erickson, AIA
LSF V #122

Downers Grove, IL
Member of the Chicago SOAR club, and Team JR
AMA 592537    LSF 7560 Level IV   R/C Soaring blog at www. <http://www.jimbacus.net/> jimbacus.net <http://www.jimbacus.net/>

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