So far the second round is completing for the day, not yet to the fly offs.
There is lift on the East side of the field, but not everyone found it.  Four planes are at about 1,200' (from where I'm sitting:-), while others in that group have landed early.
Conditions will change shortly as the ground warms and the wind has chance to start pumping up.
Tom Kiesling is still in the top ten with a zero round, JW's at 20, but the pre-lim isn't over.
Our own Steve Siebenaler is lurking just below the top ten, and could sneak up too!
There has already been some shifting of the top ten from Round 9's report, this IS man on man action.  You can see why so many pilots really enjoy the man on man format, it allows for a lot movement with great performances and bad decisions.
And of course don't count out the Wind Magician Rich Burnowski who is also lurking near the top.
Planes that are in the top ten...2 Sharons, 3 Supras (one Moldy, Tom's own, and Lachowski's looks like a Supra:-),  2 Perfects, at least one Espada and even an Extreme!
Probably the most amazing performances are from the Sharons, heavy winds, very tight fast moving lift, way down wind returns and bullseye landings..consistently...Muncie was made for Sharons it seems.  But this contest has been a true 'pilots' test, air reading skills, vision maybe the number one factor the first two days, but very much a case of knowing what to do with your model when you saw an indicator.  Perfects and Supras? Worth every penny.
The Espada is a completely different style of flying machine compared to all the rest.
Stand by for news! I am :-)

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